100 - 120 mins
5 male(s), 3 female(s), gender-flexible
The year is 1948. The Soviets have blockaded Berlin, attempting to force the Western powers out of the city. The Airlift, the Allied attempt to keep the city alive, is barely two months old – and it is failing badly. Into the blockaded city comes Kevin Riley, chief foreign correspondent for the American News Service. He has not been in Berlin since 1934, when he was expelled by the new Nazi government. He's come back now at the request of an old friend from that time, Ernst von Helldorf – who is now a condemned Nazi war criminal about to be hanged for his crimes. But Kevin has come back only partly because of Ernst. He's also come back to face the ghosts and monsters of his own past, ghosts and monsters that have pursued him since he left Berlin, pursued him from war zone to war zone since 1934 and who have now, finally, brought him back full circle to where it began.
Winner 2009 FutureFest, Dayton Playhouse, Dayton, Ohio