Crossing over the Styx

by Duke Howard

Genre: Metaphysical Western Drama
Runtime: 60 - 70 mins
Cast: 2 females, 9 males

Synopsis: Doc Holliday is visited by The Devil in the form of the dead gunslinger, Johnnie Ringo. Ringo entices Doc into a card game on the banks of the River Styx with Doc's dead outlaw contemporaries while they wait to cross over. On the other side is an illusion, The Game that lasts Forever with drink and women. The high stakes of the card game is Doc's soul.

Notes: Two Sets: Reality: Doc's room and the Fantasy: downstage, the card game with chairs and a bar. Doc's and Devil's approach to the game on the bank is down a ramp on Doc's bed. The River Styx and the other side is out in the audience. Group singing of My Darling Clementine with harmonica playing takes place at the poker table.