Spacenapped Santa

by Art Shulman

Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 30 mins
Cast: 3 females, 3 males, 3 any

Synopsis: It's Christmas Eve and on the planet Plantania an alien scientist, Gar, has unveiled his newest invention, a giant magnet. But a power-hungry alien, Fisthead, steals the magnet and points it to the sky at the exact time Santa is test-driving his sleigh. Santa becomes caught in the powerful magnetic pull and forced to land on Plantania, where he discovers he has been spacenapped, along with the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Not only does the selfish Fisthead take all the Easter Bunny's eggs and make them into egg salad, but he steals Santa's toys so that he can be the most popular alien on the planet.

Notes: This play has been performed several times to mostly children audiences. Optional extras.