Punk Grandpa

by LaurA! Force Scruggs

Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 45 - 60 mins
Cast: 2 females, 1 male, 4 any


"Punk Grandpa" is like a modern-day Auntie Mame, with genders reversed.  It’s all about being yourself, not worrying about what others think, embracing life and humor and the value of the grandparent/grandchild relationship. The show takes place one magical weekend Laura spent with her grandpa at 8 3/4 years old, portrayed through storytelling, dance, music and vintage family movies and photos. Grandpa was the free-est, most inappropriate person Laura ever knew and this show demonstrates how he set Laura free to be herself through his humor and unpredictable, wild ways. It also touches on the topics of Alzheimer's (as Laura's grandpa passed away due to Alzheimer's and the show has been used as a fund-raiser for various Alzheimer's Associations) and Big Band/Jazz music. It'll put hair on your chest.